Presentation of RPS Metrology
RPS Metrology origins are in the experience and the passion for research, development and production for articulated measuring arms which has begun since more than 30years.
The first company named Garda Impianti, founded in the 1983 by one of the three shareholders: Raffaello Dalla Mariga, was specialized on the production of equipment and machines for the car-bodies repairs.
The same company, on the 1987, files the first patent and produce the really first mobile measuring arm, named CMS CAR3D.
On the 1990 Garda Impianti presents the new mobile arm model named Space and Explorer: the really first arm with 7 axes.
On the work base of the previous years, on the 1993 the company Garda is founded. Garda develops further more the mobile products, presenting portable articulated arms, including the model Inspector.
The cooperation on the technical and commercial field made by the three co-founders Raffaello Dalla Mariga, Paolo Perbellini and Stefano Recchia, together with respect and friendship, took the challenge on the market of the articulated measurement arms, and to found on the year 2015 the company RPS Metrology.
ISO 9001:2015 certification
Following the maximum guaranteed quality trend of our company policy, RPS Metrology has been accredited as ISO9001:2015 certified company.
Click here to download our certificate
30 countries around the world
Today RPS Metrology work with local distributors in about 30 countries around the world. Here below the map of the countries where we are present.
RPS Metrology since beginning of 2020 has one local office in CHINA. Click on the map to see the Chinese website.
If you want more information about our local distributors please contact us with the contact form.
RPS Metrology offers metrology service, and in detail:

Raffaello Dalla Mariga
Managing director
The cornerstone of RPS Metrology is represented by Raffaello, pioneer of the measuring arms already since the 80’s. After founding and managing several successful companies in over 30 years of career, today is at the general management of RPS Metrology.
Great experience, keen and intuitive on the business, and passion to pursue innovation and quality, on all the activities.
Moreover Raffaello is the reference for the Italian customers and distributors.
Tel.: +39 3355205473

Stefano Recchia
Director of engineering
Behind a sucessful product, there’s always a team with high profile.
Stefano is the director of engineering, taking care of the product and service management.
On the Stefano’s history there are 20 years of experience in high precision mechanical engineering, electronics and software development, putting him in the position to have eyes on development of every RPS Metrology product and its applications.
Tel.: +39 3290964720

Marco Braggio
Technical manager
Marco is the driving force of the great passion for the precision and the production technic. Great experience in the field of measuring arms, in RPS Metrology Marco represents all behind the product quality, the service and maintenance management.
Tel.: +39 045 6090155
Send us a question:
Contact information
Via Molina , 18 37060 SONA (VR), ITALY
Telephone number:
(+39) 045 6090155